September 22, 2015

About Us


M-apps lab is a place where great Ideas ride the waves of cutting edge wireless technology & take shape into the form of great products & services. Mobile is an all purpose utility device still unused to its potential, at M-apps lab its about discovering the unused avenues of mobile in order to increase its utility to the users of major fields of this country.


At M-apps lab we believe that mobile is the strongest medium of communication in the present era. Currently in India number of mobile users is 86.7 Billion that makes 85% of our population, we want to utilize this figure to the core and the wireless technology development to its next revolution, where mobile is not just a source of entertainment and communication but much bigger.

Learning, health issues, business, easy governance, retailing, shopping, taking courses, virtual checkups etc. It can all happen on mobile and ‘M-apps lab’ believes to make it happen.